Kaila Evans

Dungeon Master

I was an awkward teenager when I started working in IT.  It beat flipping burgers, so I was in. I hopped around different corporations doing it until I wanted to peel off my skin and use it to parachute into a volcano.

In my early 20s I tried my hand at AV.  Now instead of helping technologically illiterate people fix their computers, I was setting up sound and video equipment for the technologically illiterate.

At 22 I tried DnD 3.5e, became obsessed, and needed to DM.  (Did that come from all the voices in my head, or because I’m a control freak?  I’ll never tell.) I needed my imaginary friends to hang out with others.

By my second session as DM, I was making my own adventures.  Now I’m master of 5 multiverses, and despite my initial worries, my friends always came back for more. My longest campaign has lasted 5 years, and still going strong.  The players are epic level and difficult to reign in, but I like the challenge.

I was wary of sharing a homebrewed campaign with three players I’d never worked with.  Not to mention being self-conscious about being recorded. But in those first recordings I laughed my ass off watching the three stooges stumble through the intro.

I’m pleasantly surprised to have made a connection with three gingers a million years my senior.  Hopefully our little experiment can help other DMs out there realize: no party is as disorganized as mine…

Chief Writer
Executive Gesticulator

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