Vandal Stormwind

I, Vandal Stormwind, come from a well to do family with VERY high ambitions. My natural talents, in combination with my family’s wealth, got me into a prestigious Bard College. The only Eladrin teacher there chose me specifically to learn the ways of Glamour. This of course caused much envy amongst those jealous and spoiled upperclassmen. Especially that uptight, prissy Archibald Spinnerette. They decided to teach me terrible lesson in the realities of how cruel the upper class can be. They killed my master and framed me so thoroughly my only recourse was to fake my own death. After which I fled to the safety of obscurity.

After a few hard years I happened to be on a ship accosted by pirates, and through my learned arts of Fey persuasion, convinced them to spare the lives of the civilians in exchange for my coming on board as a morale officer.

One night the first mate revealed to me, while in a drunken state, that the captain kept a trove of information on various artifacts that he thought could be useful. The most intriguing was a story about a wish granting artifact. Sneaking into the captains bunk wasn’t easy, but I got the information I thought I needed. And at the next port I took my leave and started my journey.

This is my chance! With this artifact l can have my revenge, and take my rightful place as the most famous Bard in all of Faerun!

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