About us – July 2019, four friends gathered around a table with mics and D&D books to see what would happen. Each possessed different skills that lent themselves to the production of a podcast.
Rick has an extensive background in A/V and back of house production, along with passion for table top gaming. Tim is a freelance audio engineer who still works shows on a regular basis. Noah is a professional actor, singer, and performs music of all kinds. Kaila is a brilliant writer, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of D&D lore and rules that allows her to take players on fantastic journey’s with her storytelling.
And besides being regular goofballs, they all share a love of fantasy, storytelling, and most importantly, Dungeons and Dragons.
It’s been an exciting adventure putting this together for you. Hopefully you enjoy listening to it as much as we have enjoyed producing it.
So sit back, and enjoy the fruit of our labors, and if you like it we humbly ask that you share it with your friends. Everyone needs a little terrific comedy in their lives.
Podcast Credits:
Extra Content Producer
CoT Facebook Editor
Audio Engineer
Production Engineer
Music Producer
CoT Instagram Editor
Music Director
Acting Coach
CoT Twitter Editor
Chief Writer
Your Mom
Dungeon Master
Sound Design
Audio Editor
Special Thanks
There are some special people we’d like to thank. Either because they helped us in amazing ways, or simply because they put up with use while all this was going on. Without them this project wouldn’t have been possible.
Melissa Jones-Goetz
Elizabeth Baetge
Blair Fonwalt
Aaron Doud
Melanie Doud
Megan Tully
Melissa Teja
Scott Dawson
Ian Whiteford
Graham Burkum
Awful Creative
Abene Sebei – Photographer – Instagram
Pexels – for the use of images